The secrets to improving operationswhile maintaining the highest quality
How do you operate at maximum efficiency with minimum cost?Managers Guide to OperationsManagementaddresses one of the most pressing business issues of our time by offering easy-toimplementadvice on creating the most effective, streamlined operations possible. This quick-referenceguide explains how to:
- Improve your production processes
- Boost quality using the Six Sigma approach
- Manage supply chains and inventory
- Forecast, plan, and schedule efficiently
WithManagers Guide to Operations Management, you have the tools you need to ensure a smooth,steady work flow while producing products and services of the highest qualitythe secret tobusiness success.
1. Operations Management: Combining Art, Science, and Good Shoes
2. Operations Management as a System
3. Just in Time and Lean Operations
4. Strategic Cost Reductions
5. Logistics and Distribution
6. Planning and Controlling the Supply Chain
7. Material Requirements Planning
8. Outsourcing
9. Objectives, Measures and Controls
10. The Human Element in Operations Management
11. Corporate Social Responsibility
12. Questions Operations Managers Ask
13. Operations Management in Action
Dr. John Kamauffis a principal with Archstone Consulting specializing in supply chain management and strategic sourcing.