Starring Eldridge Cleaver as Holden Caulfield. Awkward Silence by D.W. Griffith. Directed by James Brown. James Brown Is Dead is a series of poems that employ the language and look of the opening sequences of films. The poems feature a series of made-up films--starring and made by real figures from cinema and beyond--as well as real films inexplicably cast with unlikely characters. Jibade-Khalil Huffman is the author of 19 Names For Our Band (Fence Books, 2008). In 2009 he curated WRONG: A Program of Text and Image at Eighth Veil in Los Angeles, as well as edited the accompanying anthology of art and writing, After Stanley Donen. He has exhibited and performed works of art and writing at MoMA/P.S. 1, The Museum of Arts and Design, and the Tank in New York City. His awards include the Grolier Poetry Prize, the Jerome Foundation Travel Grant and fellowships from the Millay Colony for the Arts and the UCross Foundation. He was a 2010-2011 Workspace Artist-in-Residence at the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council in New York. Educated at Bard College and Brown University, he lives in Los Angeles. James Brown Is Dead is published by Future Plan and Program, a provisional publishing project featuring newly-commissioned literary works by visual artists.