Jimmy, Ted and Toothbrush -- Destination Mars! introduces children to the adventures of space exploration. While Jimmy's adventure in his father's spaceship may be read as an out of this world experience, this short story stems from the advancements in space technology and exploration over the past decade. Jimmy's trip to outer space shows us that what is perceived as inanimate and impossible is far closer to reality than we're lead to believe.
Join them on their journey to the unknown, and let your imagination run wild.
About the Author
Willow-48 was born in Melbourne, Australia, and educated at the prestigious Melbourne University in her hometown. She loves the outdoors, socializing, and adventure. Living her life with the authenticity of her main character, Jimmy, Willow-48 has spent her adult years exploring the sea and forest, searching for the adventures she writes about. She is an educator by trade, on a mission to make others appreciate creative writing with her enthusiasm and sense of humor.