This book is titled Journey Toward Christ Centered Emotions because of the quick-fix society in which we live. Many are walking away from the healing which Jesus offers and are being lured into temporary band-aid solutions from self-help books and prosperity teaching.
This book is not about quick fixes or putting band-aids on emotional wounds. It is about the journey with Jesus to deep healing and wholeness. I write as one who has been and continues to be touched by the Living Christ as He leads me in emotional wholeness in Him. Much of this book is about my own journey and from years of pastoral ministry and counseling in both America and India.
Many today view their emotions, such as anger, excitement or grief, as a hindrance to their relationship with God and others. It becomes hard to believe our emotions have been given to us as a blessing. Several books dealing with emotions begin with the emotional wounds which we carry but this book starts with our Creator and His design and purpose for our emotions. Jesus said, I came that you may have life and life in abundance (John 10:10) This begs the question, How vital is my emotional well being in living out the abundant life Jesus promised?
My desire for everyone reading this book is to encounter the risen Lord as He ministers through the Holy Spirit to bring us healing and wholeness. To Him be glory!