Encyclopaedic record of the multitude of voluntary organisations (around 100 in all) that sprang up throughout the Empire to raise funds, & to provide a range of amenities from soldiers' comforts to entire hospitals, hospital ships & trains, convalescent homes, ect., during the Boer War. Contains descriptions of the origin, raising, organisation & work of each body, many with quite detailed statements of funds raised et cetera. A representative sample (from the well known to some more obscure): The Mansion House Fund; The Soldiers' & Sailors' Families Association; Medical & Surgical Aid for Sick & Wounded Officers (The Duke of Abercorn's Fund); Golder's Hill, Hampstead (Brigade of Guards); Absent Minded Beggar Fund; Lady White's Ladysmith Fund; Mafeking Relief Fund; Lord Loch's Horse; The Indian Followers' Relief Fund; Tasmania Transvaal Patriotic Fund; Wounded Officers Fund (Cannes); Boer Women & Children's Clothing Fund; Transvaal Clergy Relief Fund; Soldiers' Graves (Victoria League). A handsome & very rare work in its original edition.