Originally published in 1971, this is the important fourth edition of scholarly research into the Linear B tablets from Knossos.Since the first publication of the Linear B tablets from Knossos in 1952, various scholars worked to improve the texts. This 1971 book is the fourth edition of The Knossos Tablets: A Transliteration, in which the results of these scholars researches were presented. It contains the texts of many fragments previously discarded as unreadable, and hundreds of texts improved due to joins between fragments.Since the first publication of the Linear B tablets from Knossos in 1952, various scholars worked to improve the texts. This 1971 book is the fourth edition of The Knossos Tablets: A Transliteration, in which the results of these scholars researches were presented. It contains the texts of many fragments previously discarded as unreadable, and hundreds of texts improved due to joins between fragments.A plain text in transliteration of the Linear B tablets from Knossos. Since the first publication of these tablets in 1952, various scholars worked to improve the texts. The results of their researches were published in successive editions of The Knossos Tablets: A Transliteration. This 1971 fourth edition completely replaced the third of 1964. It contains the texts of many fragments previously discarded as unreadable, and several hundred improved texts resulting from joins between fragments. In addition, the original of every tablet has been closely scrutinised and numerous improvements in the readings have been made. The system of classification has been modified, and many more tablets are now assigned to series, and for the first time there was an attempt to reconstruct the original filing system of the archive. The scribal hand is noted where it can be identified. The book is indispensable for all scholars who wish to work directly on this material.Preface; Linear B tablets from Knossos; Concordance; Tables of signs.