Law and Opinion in Twentieth Century Britain and Ireland covers four main themes: Law and the State; Culture and Identity; Public Morality and the Citizen; The Death of the English Constitution; each theme being analyzed through two essays authored by leading British and Irish academics. The book provides a substantial and readable analysis of the relationship between law and opinion in Britain and Ireland, with a special focus on the question of culture, identity and the state.Preface; C.Campbell Introduction; A.V.Dicey PART ONE: LAW AND THE STATE Public Opinion, Political Education and Citizenship; W.J.Morgan The Triumph of Individualism?; I.Forbes PART TWO: CULTURE AND IDENTITY Language, Law and Politics; C.H.Williams Ethnicity and Education in 20th Century Britain; M.Leicester PART THREE: PUBLIC MORALITY AND THE CITIZEN Matrimonial Property: Legan Developments and Social Trends in the 20th Century; L.Glennon Public Opinion and the Regulation of Conception; E.Jackson PART FOUR: THE DEATH OF THE ENGLISH CONSTITUTION? Europe and its Impact on the United Kingdon; D.Wincott & J.Buller Dicey and the Celtic Nations: A Nightmare come to Life?; S.W.Livingstone Bibliography IndexJIM BULLER Lecturer in Politics, University of YorkSIR COLIN CAMPBELL LLD, FRSA Academic Lawyer since 1967 and Professor of Jurisprudence at the Queen's University of Belfast, 1974-1988IAN FORBES, FRSA Professor of Politics, University of NottinghamLISA GLENNON Lecturer in Law, the Queen's University of BelfastEMILY JACKSON Senior Lecturer in Law, London School of EconomicsMAL LEICESTER Professor of Adult Learning and Teaching, University of Nottingham and Director of EIRC (Education Inclusion Research Centre)COLIN H. WILLIAMS Professor in the Department of Welsh, Cardiff University and Adjunct Professor of Geography, University of Western OntarioDANIEL WINCOTT Senior Lecturer in Political Science and International Studies , University of Birmingham