Poetry. Using deceptively simple lines that raise common life events to art, Tony Gloeggler fills his new collection, The Last Lie, with people who don't fit in easily, naturally. It's a book about the quiet ones, the ones you don't notice, the ones who never raise their hands to volunteer, shoot up a classroom or do a victory lap after making the game winning play. They don't blame their parents for anything, and they never learned how to walk across a crowded room to talk to a pretty woman or how to ever ask anyone for help. It's how they go through the days trying to find places and people, no sorry, just one person, that can help them feel at home with themselves. It's all about loss, love, loneliness, lust, the power of memory and what's wished for and missed. THE LAST LIE is about your life. Exactly. Only different. Worse. Better.