Learn to Spell 500 Words a Day is a book in 6 volumes: A, E, I, O, U, and Consonants. Each vowel is dissected and isolated in a volume and the consonants are in the 6th volume. Learn now to spell
580 words instantly:
SpellingRules.com The Vowel E is a book for children and adults who can read but cannot spell the words that they read. It can be used in schools from the 4th grade and up or as a self-help book without the help of a teacher.
Dyslexia in spelling and in writing letters in reverse ends, after learning to spell and after slowing down to write words slowly.
The vowel e has
seven sounds we call phonics, which are spelled in
17 ways we call spelling patterns. Every sound and spelling pattern of the vowel e is presented in
The Vowel E, as in these examples:
- Short e: red, bread
- Long e: meat, meet, Pete, chief, belief, monkey, lucky, he, ski, elite
- Minor sounds of e: enough, eight, break, cake
- Schwa sound of e: poet
The Vowel E is a book that contains 59 comprehensive and detailed phonics-based spelling lessons. Each lesson begins with a logical spelling rule, followed by a list of nearly all the words that follow that rule, followed by a nonsensical story that contains most of the listed words, and students are asked to read aloud slowly to memorize the spelling of hundreds of words at a time.
Sample of the stories to memorize phonics in words: The monk
ey, turk
ey, and donk
ey drank whisk
ey in Turk
ey. The monk
ey, turk
ey, and donk
ey played hock
ey with the disk jock
ey that had a k
ey to the zoo. Rick
ey who is a jock
ey at the racetrack laughed at tlóò