This book explores what effective teaching is and offers a range of practical suggestions and handy tips for new entrants.
What the book covers:
Practical suggestions for lesson activities: provides practical suggestions which teachers can easily incorporate into their own lessons
A sensible approach to developing classroom practice: for individuals, departments and whole schools.
Help for teachers, INSET providers and trainers: with responsibility for developing classroom practice.
The School Effectiveness Series:Lessons are for Learningis the fourth title in a new series of books which focus on practical and useful ideas for individual schools and teachers.
The series addresses the issues of whole school improvement and new knowledge about teaching and learning and offers straightforward solutions which teachers can use to make life more rewarding for themselves and those they teach.
Preface to the first edition
Section One - A government-created dichotomy
Section Two - Lessons are for learning
Section Three - Children learn effectively when...
Section Four - What is education if not enjoyment?
Section Five - What questions did you ask today?
Section Six - Thinking is so important'
Section Seven - The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many'
Section Eight - What else are meetings for?
Section Nine - Ah, but...