For all educators grades 3 and up, here is a proven ready-to-use resource that tailors writing experiences to the needs of any student having difficulty writing - even the most reluctant writer.
Starting with simple words and progressing to sentences, paragraphs, reports, stories, and essays, Let's Write! Takes into account all ability levels and learning styles to help each student achieve success. Basic to more advanced skills are presented sequentially in lessons that devote small amounts of time to four diverse tasks. The program provides over 200 activities and over 100 worksheets, and is organized into two parts: Part I - focuses on teaching the basic structures of written language in seven sections: Words, Sentences, Paragraphs, Research Reports, Book Reports, Stories, and Essays. Part II - offers a combination of specific skills development and opportunities for practice in nine sections: Grammar, Editing, Poetry, Literature Connection, Holidays, Letters, Using the Newspaper, Real Life Writing, and Gimmicks & Gags.About This Resource.
How To Use This Program.
PART ONE Word Writing.
Sentence Writing.
Paragraph Writing.
Writing Research Reports.
Writing Book Reports.
Writing Stories.
Writing Essays.
PART TWO Grammar.
Writing Poetry.
The Literature Connection.
Writing Letters.
Using The Newspaper.
Integrating Writing With Real Life And The Rest Of The Curriculum 1.