The remarkableNew York Timesbestseller!
It happens every year before homecoming -- the list is posted all over school. Two girls are picked from each grade. One is named the prettiest, one the ugliest. The girls who aren't picked are quickly forgotten. The girls who are become the center of attention, and each reacts differently to the experience.
With THE LIST, Siobhan Vivian deftly takes you into the lives of eight very different girls struggling with issues of identity, self-esteem, and the judgments of their peers. Prettiest or ugliest, once you're on the list, you'll never be the same.
Praise for THE LIST:
* “Offering a well-differentiated cast of complex characters and a thoughtful focus on femininity, sisterhood, relationships, eating disorders, and what it means to be singled out, Vivian proves that beauty and ugliness aren't always a matter of appearance.” – PUBLISHERS WEEKLY, starred review
“Siobhan Vivian's latest novel tackles the beauty myth head on. Readers will find themselves relating to each character's struggles.” -- BOOKPAGE
“Smart, snappy writing.” – NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW
* “This riveting exploration of physical appearance and the status it confers opens a cultural conversation that's needed to happen for a long time. . . Vivian refuses to falsify or avoid the uncomfortable realities.” – KIRKUS REVIEWS, starred review
Siobhan Vivian is the acclaimed author of Not That Kind of Girl, hailed by Kirkus Reviews as a “powerful, involving exploration of teen girls’ identities and relationships,” Same Difference, and A Little Friendly Advice. A Jersey girl by birth and a Brooklyn girl at heart, Siobhan currently lives in Pittsburgh, PA, and on the web at