A fascinating introduction to one of the fastest-growing religious movements in the United States today. Through interviews, participant-observation, and analysis of movement literature, Cynthia Eller explores what women who worship the goddess believe; how they express those beliefs in private, in public, and in the political realm; and the place of feminist spirituality in the history of American religion.A superb empirical and phenomenological rendering of this diverse and complex religious movement. . . An essential work for all libraries since no other book parallels this one in its scope, accuracy, vividness, and scholarship. —Choice
Stands alone as a clear and careful study of the entire movement. —Parabola
Insightful and well-researched. . . Conveys a vivid sense of the women's individuality, allowing their voices to shine through in all their sincerity and passion. —Women's Review of Books
Detailed, honest, fascinating, and accurate. . . The best book of its kind sinceDrawing Down the Moon! —STARHAWKUS