While extensive research has been performed on many technological aspects of permeable reactive barriers and a number of contaminants have so far been successfully treated by PRB systems, long-term performance has not been extensively considered and little is known about the processes influencing long-term behaviour. This gap in our knowledge is all the more disadvantageous as design life has a decisive influence on the economic viability of PRBs.
The book describes methods for evaluation and enhancement of the long-term performance of PRB systems, especially of those targeting heavy metals, specifically uranium, and organic contaminants by sorption and/or precipitation mechanisms. Major topics in the book are:
- Selection and characterisation of suitable reactive materials
- Characterisation of the relevant contaminant attenuation processes
- Developing new contaminant-binding chemical compounds ( ligands )
- Accelerated testing methods to assess the long-term performance of the attenuation mechanisms in PRBs
- Evaluation of the influence of site characteristics on PRB performance
- Monitoring of existing and new field installations
- Coupling of electrokinetic techniques and PRB systems
- Large-scale laboratory and field tests and their results
It addresses the long-term performance of PRBs, an important feature of this novel remediation technology, systematically. It deals extensively with heavy metal removal, with special emphasis on uranium. A number of case studies, experiences with large-scale modelling and test site experiments provide insight into the practical application of the results. This volume wilCÎ