This visionary dystopian and apocalyptic novel of 1907 presents a future in which secular humanism has triumphed, with religion suppressed and almost non-existent. It follows the fortunes of an M.P. and his wife, who come under the sway of the antichrist figure, the titular Lord of the World, who appears to promise a heaven on earth, and a catholic priest, who is fighting to keep the Church alive through its many tribulations. It is highly readable and seems prescient on many counts - the rise of communist states, the advent of air travel and the dominating power of a forceful leader - but its strong Catholic bias has tended to limit its readership. Pope Francis has said of this book: the author speaks of the spirit of the world that leads to apostasy almost as though it were a prophecy, as though he envisioned what would happen... I advise you to read it. This handsome new edition has been completely re-typeset to be clear and complete.