David was a man after God's own heart . . .
What does it mean to be someone after God's own heart? David, King, psalmist and shepherd, gives us a picture with his own life.
In many ways he is an extraordinary role model, a man who was fully human but exceeded expectations and pointed others towards God. While the other side of David is most ordinary showing a life filled with destruction, chaos, tragedy and his personal struggle with sin. How then did David become the national hero of God's chosen people? Why is he the one character in the Bible described as a man after God's own heart? David's life offers hope to all of us. It shows that God can do extraordinary things through ordinary men and women. And David offers an insightful perspective on what it means to be truly a man, to become like Davidmen after God's own heart.
In this study David will delight and disappoint you. At times you will desire to be just like him while at others you will want to turn and run! The Life of David is one of the most colorful examples of manhood in all of Scripture. You will be introduced to select key characteristics of David's life but unlike David, we have time to make our lives right before God and to lovingly lead our homes.
This interactive study features eight weeks of individual study materials with a leaders guide and suggested teaching plans at the back of the book.
From Brad
During my tour of active duty in the US military, one of my close friends shared a few insights from a book on the life of David by AW Pink. It pricked my interest then and continues to influence my thinking today. This study is a result from continued learning and meditation on this fascinating man of God.
Next to Jesus, the Scriptures cover more of David's life than any other man. David, Israel's greatest king, is one of the most amazing men who ever lived. He is known as being a man after God's own heart (1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22) yet hilÓ