Manual therapy is an essential technique of chiropractic. This book explores all the important aspects of manual therapy in the present day scenario and its success as a treatment method. Various types of manual therapy, scope of treatment, musculoskeletal framework, etc. have been explored, in an extensive manner, in this book. Coherent flow of topics and extensive use of examples make this book an invaluable source of knowledge, especially for those pursuing chiropractic and allied disciplines.Manual therapy is an essential technique of chiropractic. This book explores all the important aspects of manual therapy in the present day scenario and its success as a treatment method. Various types of manual therapy, scope of treatment, musculoskeletal framework, etc. have been explored, in an extensive manner, in this book. Coherent flow of topics and extensive use of examples make this book an invaluable source of knowledge, especially for those pursuing chiropractic and allied disciplines.Manual therapy is an essential technique of chiropractic. This book explores all the important aspects of manual therapy in the present day scenario and its success as a treatment method. Various types of manual therapy, scope of treatment, musculoskeletal framework, etc. have been explored, in an extensive manner, in this book. Coherent flow of topics and extensive use of examples make this book an invaluable source of knowledge, especially for those pursuing chiropractic and allied disciplines.