The disciplines of marine and aquatic science deal with the regulation and promotion of aquatic life and the ecological regions that encompass the aquatic ecosystem, the limnological and hydrological mechanisms at work in these ecosystems, and the impact of human activity in these areas. These fields branch out into various sub-fields such as marine biology, marine chemistry, oceanography and hydrology. This book on marine and aquatic sciences discusses topics related to climate change and water content on the earths surface and the effect of wastewater and other pollutants to marine life. It covers important aspects such as principles related to aquatic sciences, conservation and hydrographical practices. Different approaches, evaluations, methodologies and advancements in this field have also been included. This book aims to equipped students and experts with the advanced topics and upcoming concepts in this area.The disciplines of marine and aquatic science deal with the regulation and promotion of aquatic life and the ecological regions that encompass the aquatic ecosystem, the limnological and hydrological mechanisms at work in these ecosystems, and the impact of human activity in these areas. These fields branch out into various sub-fields such as marine biology, marine chemistry, oceanography and hydrology. This book on marine and aquatic sciences discusses topics related to climate change and water content on the earths surface and the effect of wastewater and other pollutants to marine life. It covers important aspects such as principles related to aquatic sciences, conservation and hydrographical practices. Different approaches, evaluations, methodologies and advancements in this field have also been included. This book aims to equipped students and experts with the advanced topics and upcoming concepts in this area.The disciplines of marine and aquatic science deal with the regulation and promotion of aquatic life and the ecological regions that encompalÃ#