Although Master Tungs Acupuncture has been in the public domain since his untimely passing in 1975, very little information is available publicly on how to use the system in a practical and systematic way in English. In this book, I hope to guide my fellow colleagues into the intricacies of applying Master Tung Acupuncture in the clinic. Since I am also a practicing acupuncturist and deal with Internal Medicine problems quite frequently, I wrote these based on the protocols that I use daily. Each of these protocols has been personally used by me one time or another in the clinic. Many of these are also the same protocols I used when I work daily in my private clinic. Since I am a visual person, and I like things in a simple manner, I have placed the pictures of the points indicated for the various ailments together, to make it as simple as possible for the practicing acupuncturist to use in his or her clinic. I dislike overly drawn out discussions on theory, but prefer that application be ones guide. I also dislike secrecy, so I hold back no alleged secrets from anyone who wants to learn the real art. My goal is to help end suffering in the world and help English speaking acupuncturists improve their proficiency through the vehicle of Master Tungs Acupuncture.