Test your wireless network's security and master advanced wireless penetration techniques using Kali Linux
About This Book
- Develop your skills using attacks such as wireless cracking, Man-in-the-Middle, and Denial of Service (DOS), as well as extracting sensitive information from wireless networks
- Perform advanced wireless assessment and penetration tests
- Use Embedded Platforms, Raspberry PI, and Android in wireless penetration testing with Kali Linux
Who This Book Is For
If you are an intermediate-level wireless security consultant in Kali Linux and want to be the go-to person for Kali Linux wireless security in your organisation, then this is the book for you. Basic understanding of the core Kali Linux concepts is expected.
What You Will Learn
- Fingerprint wireless networks with the various tools available in Kali Linux
- Learn various techniques to exploit wireless access points using CSRF
- Crack WPA/WPA2/WPS and crack wireless encryption using Rainbow tables more quickly
- Perform man-in-the-middle attack on wireless clients
- Understand client-side attacks, browser exploits, Java vulnerabilities, and social engineering
- Develop advanced sniffing and PCAP analysis skills to extract sensitive information such as DOC, XLS, and PDF documents from wireless networks
- Use Raspberry PI and OpenWrt to perform advanced wireless attacks
- Perform a DOS test using various techniques and tools
In Detail
Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. It gives access to a large collection of security-related tools for professional security testing - some of the major ones being Nmap, Aircrack-ng, Wireshark, and Metasploit.
This book will take you on a journey where you will learn to master advanced tools and techniques to conduct wireless penetration testing with Kali l“!