This title is designed to provide a clear and comprehensive overview of tribology. The book introduces the notion of a surface in tribology where a solid surface is described from topographical, structural, mechanical, and energetic perspectives. It also describes the principal techniques used to characterize and analyze surfaces. The title then discusses what may be called the fundamentals of tribology by introducing and describing the concepts of adhesion, friction, wear, and lubrication. The book focuses on the materials used in tribology, introducing the major classes of materials used, either in their bulk states or as coatings, including both protective layers and other coatings used for decorative purposes. Of especial importance to the tribology community are sections that provide the latest information on Nanotribology, Wear, Lubrication, and Wear-Corrosion: Tribocorrosion and Erosion-Corrosion.Foreword.
Chapter 1. Surfaces.
1.1 Introduction.
1.2 The surface state.
Chapter 2. Tribology.
2.1 Introduction.
2.2 Elements of solid mechanics.
2.3 Elements of contact mechanics.
2.4 Friction.
2.5 Nanotribology.
2.6 Wear.
2.7 Lubrication.
2.8 Wear-corrosion: tribocorrosion and erosion-corrosion.
Chapter 3. Materials for Tribology.
3.1 Introduction.
3.2 Bulk materials.
3.3 Surface treatments and coatings.
3.4 Hard anti-wear and decorative coatings.
3.5 Characterization of coatings: hardness, adherence and internal stresses.
Jamal Takadoum is Professor of Materials Science at the national Enl-