The seven documents in this book, which appear for the first time in an English translation from Greek and Latin, constitute a unique contemporary witness to the stalwart opposition of the monk Maximus the Confessor to seventh-century imperial edicts enforcing adherence to the doctrines of monoenergism and monothelitism.
IntroductionThe Monothelite Controversy and its Christology
II. Conciliar Background to Monoenergism
III. Biographical Documents
IV. The Text Tradition
V. Note on the Translation
Texts and TranslationsRecord of the Trial
2. Dispute at Bizya
3. Letter of Maxmimus to Anastasius
4. Letter to the Monks of Calgliari
5. Letter of Anastasius Apocrisarius to Theodosius of Gangra
6. Commemoration
7. Against the People of Constantinople
The editors are to be congratulated on an excellent translation and a helpful commentary. --
The Catholic Historical ReviewPauline Allen is Director of the Centre for Early Christian Studies at Australian Catholic University
Bronwen Neil is Research Associate, the Centre for Early Christian Studies at Australian Catholic University