This comprehensive survey of microwaves, components, and devices for the junior/senior course on microwaves focuses on microwave circuits and solid-state devices. Coverage of thermionics is included. Flexibility allows professors to assign chapters in any order. End-of-chapter application questions demand that students use mathematical and technical skills, as well as creativity and ingenuity.
1. Microwaves and Their Applications 2. Microwave Transmission Lines 3. Solid-State MMIC Transmission Lines 4. Microwave Resonators 5. Solid-State MMIC Resonators 6. Waveguide Components 7. Solid-State MMIC Waveguide Components 8. Microwave Antennas 9. Solid-State MMIC Planar Antennas 10. Impedance Matching 11. Impedance Matching in MMIC Design 12. Introduction To Microwave Solid-State Electronics 13. Microwave Parametric Amplifiers (Mavars) 14. Microwave Negative-Differential Conductance Devices 15. Solid-State Transit-Time Electron Devices 16. Microwave Transistors 17. Solid-State MMIC and HMIC 18. Masers and Lasers 19. Introduction To Microwave Thermionics 20. Microwave Triodes and Tetrodes 21. Multicavity Klystrons 22. Reflex Klystrons 23. Magnetrons 24. Traveling-Wave Tubes 25. Special Microwave Tubes Appendix Index