When Will Jesus Return? presents a work of cumulative grace-or growth in grace. Author Eugene W. Etheridge, PhD, examines the eventual second coming of Christ. He considers the idea that perhaps Christ will descend in glorious clouds, accompanied by an infinite number of heavenly beings, if not on the anniversary of his birth, then on the anniversary of some other event in his life-all of which occurred 2,000 years ago and at various dates during this present century. Is this superstition or sensationalism? Neither, according to Etheridge; he writes based upon the words of Peter, Daniel, and Jesus. Peter himself said a day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. Etheridge examines his interpretation of when Jesus will appear once again to all believers. He explains how and when this will happen in the future by fully examining critical references to the second coming; he helps guide true believers to an understanding of what they can expect in the coming years.