InModern Public Finance, senior scholars in the field review and synthesize recent theoretical developments in important areas--optimal taxation, public sector dynamics, distribution theory, and club theory, to name a few--which challenge us to understand and improve public policy. Each chapter highlights original research by a recognized leader in the field, relates this work to cumulative developments, and frames important questions for further study.The standard of the papers is consistently high...They are not simply surveys of recent developments: they also make new contributions. Specialists in public economics will find this volume invaluable, and it also provides an excellent account of the current state of play in the subject for non-specialists.An important public finance publication...This work is must reading for practitioners.In this book, senior scholars in the field review and synthesize recent theoretical developments in important areas--optimal taxation, public sector dynamics, distribution theory, and club theory, to name a few--which challenge us to understand and improve public policy.