Naruto is a ninja-in-training with an incorrigible knack for mischief.
Naruto is a ninja-in-training with an incorrigible knack for mischief. He's got a wild sense of humor, but Naruto is completely serious about his mission to be the world's greatest ninja!
Guy vs. Kisame!! Kakashi vs. Itachi!!! We finally learn what may be happening to Gaara and what might also be in store for Naruto, when they both come face to face with a devious common enemy...the Akatsuki!Masashi Kishimoto made his debut inWeekly Shonen Jumpin 1999 withNaruto,Narutobecame a big hit with both boys and girls. Kishimoto added a modern flavor to the ancient world of Japanese ninja to make it a popular novel. It will become an anime series airing on Japanese networks this fall. To date, with the release of all 13 volumes of the graphic novel, this title has sold 12 million copies. Kishimoto has received the Hop Step Award.