Providing readily accessible information and real-world encouragement to people living with primary and metastatic brain tumors, this book discusses the basics of brain tumors, types of tumors, management of different tumors, related symptoms, treatments and side effects, the role of medical team members, and coping strategies from initial diagnosis throughout the course of the illness. At the same time, it also offers practical suggestions on symptom management and lifestyle modification, as well as real-life anecdotes and advice from both patients and family members and friends who are experiencing this diagnosis. Written by two experts working with a professional writer, as well as advice from other professionals, the book is crystal clear and easy to use. Balancing the uncertainties of prognosis with hope,Navigating Life with a Brain Tumoris an authoritative, realistic, yet compassionate guide to living with brain cancer.
SECTION 1: WHERE DO I BEGIN? Introduction Step 1: Take a Deep Breath Step 2: Seek Out Information Step 3: Assemble Your Team Step 4: Keep a Journal Chapter 1: A Look Inside Your Brain Basics about the Brain Understanding Brain Tumors A Search for Why Getting a Diagnosis Chapter 2: Diagnosing Your Brain Tumor Assessment and Plan Getting the Medical Help You Need Assembling Your Team Finalizing Your Treatment Team Understanding Your Prognosis Time to Take Charge Chapter 3: Understanding Radiation Therapy Members of the Radiation Oncology Team Important Considerations Side Effects of Radiation Therapy Retreatment Radiation Therapy for Brain Metastases Radiation Therapy for Meningioma
SECTION 2: HOW DO I DEAL WITH THIS? Chapter 4: Lifestyle Management Feel Empowered Reduce Stress Breathe Deeply Consider Meditation Move Your Muscles Eat Well Herbal and Dietary Supplements Driving Working Support Groups Cosmetic Issues