The branch of medicine which is concerned with the study of blood and diseases related to it is known as hematology. Some of the diseases that occur in the blood are leukemia, myelofibrosis, multiple myeloma, anemia and polycythemia. Bone marrow transplantation is the stem cell therapy that is very commonly used in diseases related to the blood. It is mainly used to treat cancer. The various advancements in blood cell research and hematology are glanced at in this book and their applications as well as ramifications are looked at in detail. This book will prove to be immensely beneficial to students and researchers in this field.The branch of medicine which is concerned with the study of blood and diseases related to it is known as hematology. Some of the diseases that occur in the blood are leukemia, myelofibrosis, multiple myeloma, anemia and polycythemia. Bone marrow transplantation is the stem cell therapy that is very commonly used in diseases related to the blood. It is mainly used to treat cancer. The various advancements in blood cell research and hematology are glanced at in this book and their applications as well as ramifications are looked at in detail. This book will prove to be immensely beneficial to students and researchers in this field.The branch of medicine which is concerned with the study of blood and diseases related to it is known as hematology. Some of the diseases that occur in the blood are leukemia, myelofibrosis, multiple myeloma, anemia and polycythemia. Bone marrow transplantation is the stem cell therapy that is very commonly used in diseases related to the blood. It is mainly used to treat cancer. The various advancements in blood cell research and hematology are glanced at in this book and their applications as well as ramifications are looked at in detail. This book will prove to be immensely beneficial to students and researchers in this field.