The Paraventriculo-Infundibular Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF) Immunoreactive System of the Rat I. Morphological Aspects.- The Paraventriculo-Infundibular Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF) System II. Functional Aspects.- Role of Neurotransmitters and Electrophysiological Changes in the Hypothalamus Related to Central Adrenocortical Regulation.- Role of Brain Noradrenaline in the Effects of Pre- and Early Postnatal Stress on the Adrenocortical Function in Adults.- Modified Development of the Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Adrenocortical (HPA) Axis Response to Stress in Young Rodents with Experimentally Altered Thyroid Status.- Immunological Stress Induces Severe Cardiac Myolysis: Mediation by Leukotrienes.- Relationships Between the Amount of Sleep, Stress and Ovarian Function in Women.- Hormonal Response to Exercise in Non-Athletic Women.- Neuroendocrine Control in the Thermal Stress.- The Significance of the Cholinergic-Adrenergic Interactions in the Response of the Rat to Immobilization Stress.- Endogenous Peptides in Circulatory Shock.- Pineal Gland and Opioid Peptides Might be Intervening Variables in Initial Stress-Induced Prolactin Surge.- Effect of Constant Light and Darkness on the Deep Pineal of the Rat.- The Relationship Between Stress and Acupuncture Analgesia.- ACTH Neurons, Stress and Behavior: A Synthesis.- Some Endorcine and Metabolic Consequences of the Stress Following High Level Spinal Cord Section.- Reaction of Neuroendocrine Cells to Stress.- Calcium-Activated Phospholipid-Dependent Protein Kinase: A Novel Signal Transduction Mechanism in the Pituitary.Springer Book Archives