Never Again offers first hand insight into the hours leading up to, during, and after the Los Angeles riots, telling detail by detail how closely the L.A. County Sheriffs Department was to changing the course of history. The L.A. Police Department is thrust into the limelight and finds itself totally unprepared to deal with this deadly and dynamic crisis. Bill Weiss, the Watch Commander, copes with his internal instinct to take action, waged against his self-discipline to follow orders, leading up to the final moment when he is ready to put his daring plan into action. This chaotic and rapidly evolving disturbance engulfed the city and portions of the surrounding metropolitan area. Its effect would be felt throughout the nation and observed throughout the world. Many of the scars still remains today, and something lost still lingers within Weiss as he tries to come to terms with what could have been.Features themes of how law enforcement responds to and handles violent encounters and civil disturbances.The police and community relations issues from 1992 still resonate with the entire country as evidenced by recent events in Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland.Police and community relations are and will always be a hot topic.Many citizens have been upset with the lack of response by law enforcement in these incidents when law enforcement failed to engage and control the situation from the outset.
Thursday, 4:30PM
As I drove my Chevy pickup truck onto the freeway south into work late Thursdayafternoon I listened to radio reports describing the chaos that was now my life.
Newscaster:Preliminary reports indicate at least 25 deaths since the verdicts were announced yesterday afternoon, acquitting four police officers involved in the beating of Rodney King on March 3, 1991, There have been more than 500 injuries and 1,000 fires, resulting in over 700 arrests. Property damage is estimated at over $200 million dollars.
It was incredil#ˆ