Helps post-beginner-level students to read substantial extracts from the New Testament in Greek.For students with only the most basic knowledge of Greek, this book provides the ideal introduction to the New Testament in Greek. It presents a selection of substantial extracts, with vocabulary, some grammatical help and brief introductions setting the various authors in context. At the end there is a checklist of about 350 of the commonest New Testament words, but all other words are glossed as they occur. It is particularly suitable as a follow-on textbook for students who have learned Greek using Wenham's The Elements of New Testament Greek.For students with only the most basic knowledge of Greek, this book provides the ideal introduction to the New Testament in Greek. It presents a selection of substantial extracts, with vocabulary, some grammatical help and brief introductions setting the various authors in context. At the end there is a checklist of about 350 of the commonest New Testament words, but all other words are glossed as they occur. It is particularly suitable as a follow-on textbook for students who have learned Greek using Wenham's The Elements of New Testament Greek.This book provides the ideal introduction to the New Testament in Greek for students with only the most basic knowledge of Greek. It presents a selection of substantial extracts, with vocabulary, some grammatical help and brief introductions setting the various authors in context. At the end there is a checklist of about 350 of the commonest New Testament words, but all other words are printed as they occur. It is particularly suitable as a follow-on textbook for students who have learned Greek using Wenham's The Elements of New Testament Greek. Also available... The Elements of New Testament Greek by J.W. Wenham, 0-521-09842-4, Paperback, $16.95 DPrologue: John Chapter 1 vv. 1-14; Section 1. Luke Chapters 1-2; Section 2. Mark Chapters 2-5; Section 3. Matthew Chapters 5-7; Section 4.lóo