
No One Has to Die Alone Preparing for a Meaningful Death [Paperback]

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  • Category: Books (Self-Help)
  • Author:  Leary, Lani
  • Author:  Leary, Lani
  • ISBN-10:  1582703523
  • ISBN-10:  1582703523
  • ISBN-13:  9781582703527
  • ISBN-13:  9781582703527
  • Publisher:  Simon & Schuster
  • Publisher:  Simon & Schuster
  • Pages:  248
  • Pages:  248
  • Binding:  Paperback
  • Binding:  Paperback
  • Pub Date:  01-Jul-2012
  • Pub Date:  01-Jul-2012
  • SKU:  1582703523-11-MING
  • SKU:  1582703523-11-MING
  • Item ID: 101319942
  • Seller: ShopSpell
  • Ships in: 2 business days
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  • Delivery by: Apr 06 to Apr 08
  • Notes: Brand New Book. Order Now.
No One Has to Die Aloneoffers meaningful insights and practical tools to rise above fear and make a difference in how we face the transition of death, dying, and bereavement.

Caring for a terminally ill loved one can be the single biggest challenge of your life. Drawing from her experience sitting with over 500 people as they died and caring for her own terminally ill father, Dr. Lani Leary gently guides caregivers, family, and friends through the difficult transitions of illness, death, and bereavement.

No One Has to Die Aloneoffers the practical skills, vocabulary, and insights needed to truly address the needs of a dying loved one while caring for yourself through the process. Dr. Leary shows both patient and caregiver how to rise above feelings of fear and isolation to find peace and meaning in each person’s unique end-of-life experience.

Whether used as a reference book to address a particular challenge or read from start to finish, this is a must-read for anyone facing death or the loss of a loved one. You’ll learn:

• how to listen to and support a loved one’s needs;

• what to expect as a loved one declines and the different grieving processes and tasks;

• the key to supporting a grieving child;

• what resources are available for patients and caregivers;

• the lessons of near-death experiences and the value of after-death communications.Lani Learyhas more than twenty-five years of experience as a psychotherapist working with chronically ill, dying, and bereaved clients. She served as the director of mental health services at Whitman Walker AIDS clinic, as a professor of death studies at George Mason University, and as a researcher at the National Cancer Institute of NIH. She is the author ofHealing Hands, an international bestselling audiotape on therapeutic touch and pain management.This reading group guide for l³&
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