This textbook examines a broad range of problems in science and engineering, describing key numerical methods applied to real life. The case studies presented are in such areas as data fitting, vehicle route planning and optimal control, scheduling and resource allocation, sensitivity calculations and worst-case analysis.
Chapters are self-contained with exercises provided at the end of most sections. Nonlinear Optimization with Engineering Applications is ideal for self-study and classroom use in engineering courses at the senior undergraduate or graduate level. The book will also appeal to postdocs and advanced researchers interested in the development and use of optimization algorithms.
This book examines problems in science and engineering, describing key numerical methods applied to real life. It includes case studies in such areas as vehicle route planning and optimal control, scheduling and resource allocation, and worst-case analysis.
This book, like its companion volume Nonlinear Optimization with Financial Applications, is an outgrowth of undergraduate and po- graduate courses given at the University of Hertfordshire and the University of Bergamo. It deals with the theory behind numerical methods for nonlinear optimization and their application to a range of problems in science and engineering. The book is intended for ?nal year undergraduate students in mathematics (or other subjects with a high mathematical or computational content) and exercises are provided at the end of most sections. The material should also be useful for postg- duate students and other researchers and practitioners who may be c- cerned with the development or use of optimization algorithms. It is assumed that readers have an understanding of the algebra of matrices and vectors and of the Taylor and mean value theorems in several va- ables. Prior experience of using computational techniques for solving systemslCŸ