The post-Cold War world allows space for less powerful states to develop influential roles in responding to specific international problems. Norway has focused on the persistent issue of violent ethno-political conflict. This book explains why Norway chose its peace policy and demonstrates what is has been able to achieve.1. Lesser States and Niche Diplomacy; James Larry Taulbee 2. The Peace Engagement of a Peace Culture: Observations on the National Identity Foundations of Norwegian Foreign Policy; Peter Grosvenor 3. A Norwegian Approach to Achieving Peace: Structure and Agency; Ann Kelleher 4. Parallel Peace Processes in Achieving Sudan's CPA; Ann Kelleher 5. Sri Lanka: A Bridge Too Far?; James Larry Taulbee 6.Successful Local Peacebuilding in Macedonia; Ann Kelleher and Kelly Ryan 7. Contributions and Challenges; James Larry Taulbee and Ann KelleherAuthor James Larry Taulbee: James Larry Taulbee is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Emory University, USA.Author Ann Kelleher: Professor Emeritus at Pacific Lutheran UniversityAuthor Peter C. Grosvenor: Peter C. Grosvenor is Associate Professor at Pacific Lutheran University, USA.