The first two chapters of this book are devoted to convexity in the classical sense, for functions of one and several real variables respectively. This gives a background for the study in the following chapters of related notions which occur in the theory of linear partial differential equations and complex analysis such as (pluri-)subharmonic functions, pseudoconvex sets, and sets which are convex for supports or singular supports with respect to a differential operator. In addition, the convexity conditions which are relevant for local or global existence of holomorphic differential equations are discussed.
This book first details convexity in the classical sense, for functions of one and several real variables respectively. This gives a background for the study in the following chapters of related notions which occur in the theory of linear partial differential equations and complex analysis such as (pluri-)subharmonic functions, pseudoconvex sets, and sets which are convex for supports or singular supports with respect to a differential operator. In addition, the convexity conditions which are relevant for local or global existence of holomorphic differential equations are discussed, leading up to Tr?preaus theorem on sufficiency of condition (capital Greek letter Psi) for microlocal solvability in the analytic category.
The major part of the book is accessible to graduate students so that it can serve as an introduction to complex analysis in one and several variables. The last sections, however, are written mainly for readers familiar with microlocal analysis.
The term convexity used to describe these lectures given at the Univer? sity of Lund in 1991-92 should be understood in a wide sense. Only Chap? ters I and II are devoted to convex sets and functions in the traditional sense of convexity. The following chapters study other kinds of convexity which occur in analysis. Most prominent is the pseudo-convel