Oil Well Testing Handbook is a valuable addition to any reservoir engineer's library, containing the basics of well testing methods as well as all of the latest developments in the field. Not only are evergreen subjects, such as layered reservoirs, naturally fractured reservoirs, and wellbore effects, covered in depth, but newer developments, such as well testing for horizontal wells, are covered in full chapters.
- Covers real-life examples and cases
- The most up-to-date information on oil well testing available
- The perfect reference for the engineer or textbook for the petroleum engineering student
Fundamentals of Reservoir Fluid Flow Analysis Transient Well Testing Techniques for Horizontal Oil Wells Pressure Drawdown Testing Techniques for Oil Wells Pressure Buildup Testing Techniques for Oil Wells Original and Average Reservoir Pressure Estimation Methods Well Testing Methods for Naturally Fractured Oil Reservoirs Fundamentals of Type Curve Matching Methods for Oil Wells Flow Regime Identification and Analysis Using Special Methods Applications of Pressure Derivative in Oil Well Behavior Analysis Massive Hydraulic Fractured Oil Well Behavior Analysis Drill Stem Testing Methods Oil Well Potential Evaluation and IPR Relationships Interference and Pulse Testing and Analysis Methods Injection Well Transient Testing and Analysis Well Testing Methods in Multilayered Oil Reservoir Systems Pressure Analysis Methods in Heterogeneous Reservoir Systems Oil Well Testing - Field Case Studies Decline Curve Analysis Methods Overall Skin Effects and Impact on Oil Well Performance
The only book on oil well testing you'll ever needAmanat Chaudhry is President and Engineering Manager with Advanced Twpsom Petroleum Systems, Inc. in Houston, Texas. He founded Twpsom in 1995. The company is involved in the development of PC-based well simulation andlĂ&