This text by an established specialist in French deconstruction, written after his many years in Asia and in the West, celebrates both Buddhist and Christian cultures and the negative but fertile differences between them.
...a highly unusual book. To identify its genre would already be to misread it....[Magliola] deserves the full attention of those interested in doctrinal issues and in interreligious conversation. --Edith Wyschogrod, Rice University
...a fascinating glimpse of a postmodern journey...a timely and concrete account of the religious resources of deconstruction, and of Derrida, Asian spirituality, and Trinitarian theology. --John D. Caputo, Villanova University
On Deconstructing Life-Worldsshows that he has not only studied recipes of Chinese culture but wholeheartedly tasted and assimilated them. --Mei-shu Hwang, Tamkang University