ON WINGS OF LIGHT is about love: love of self, love of life and how to enjoy the experience of being a spiritual/human being. We are in a time of transition. An accelerated transformation process in which more and more people are feeling divine discontent. More people are speaking of their paranormal experiences as we make contact with angelic beings, step through dimensions of awareness and tap into our higher consciousness. We all have the ability to access our Soul Self or Higher Self and to draw on the wisdom of the Creator. We are all co-creators, either of fear, lack and limitation; or of abundance, peace and joy. ON WINGS OF LIGHT is about how to create your perfect reality, your version of paradise and then sharing your manifested dream with others. It is about unity and miracles, and how to reach up and touch an angel. Learn how to resolve your relationship issues for the highest good of all concerned Break agreements with the past and release outmoded concepts Learn how to create both personal and planetary abundance
- Used Book in Good Condition