Online Matchmaking examines the joys, fears, and disappointments of hooking up with people in cyberspace. Unlike many other books in the field, this collection includes studies by experts from a range of disciplines including Communications, Cultural Studies, Health, Journalism, Psychology, Rhetoric, and Sociology.List of Tables Preface Acknowledgements Notes On Contributors Introduction; M.T.Whitty PART 1: DEFINING ONLINE MATCHMAKING From the BBS to the Web: Tracing the Spaces of Online Romance; D.N.DeVoss Cyborgasms: Ten Years On and Not Enough Learned; R.Hamman Scripting the Rules for Mars and Venus: Advice Literature and Online Dating; S.Paasonen PART 2: PRESENTATION OF SELF TO ATTRACT LOVERS The Art of Selling One's 'Self' on an Online Dating Site: The BAR Approach; M.T.Whitty Examining Personal Ads and Job Ads; A.Horning How Do I Love Thee and Thee and Thee: Self-presentation, Deception, and Multiple Relationships Online; J.M.Albright PART 3: ONLINE DATING PROGRESSION TO FACE-TO-FACE: SUCCESS OR FAILURE? Expressing Emotion in Text: Email Communication of Online Couples; A.J.Baker A Progressive Affair: Online Dating to Real World Mating; K.Y.A.McKenna PART 4: DARKER SIDES OF ONLINE DATING Cyber-Stalking as (Mis)Matchmaking; B.H.Spitzberg & W.R.Cupach Cyber-Victimization and Online Dating; R.A.Jerin & B.Dolinsky PART 5: ONLINE DATING SUB-GROUPS Sexual Orientation Moderates Online Sexual Activities; R.M.Mathy Whips and Chains? Fact or Fiction?: Content Analysis of Sadomasochism in Internet Personal Advertisements; D.K.Wysocki & J.Thalken Conclusion: M.T.Whitty Author Index Subject IndexJULIE M. ALBRIGHT Lecturer in Sociology, University of Southern California, USAWILLIAM R. CUPACH Professor of Communication, Illinois State University USAD?NIELLE NICOLE DEVOSS Associate Professor and Director of Professional Writing, Michigan State University, USABEVERLY DOLINSKY Professor of Psychology, Endicott College, USAALICE HORNING Professor of Rhetoric and Lingl“A