Michael Marshall Smiths surreal, groundbreaking, and award-winning debut which resonates with wild humour interlaced with dark recollections of an emotional minefield.
May we introduce you to Stark.
Oh, and by the way good luck.
Stark is the private investigator who goes to work when Something Happens to you. And when a Something happens its no good chanting go away go away go away and cowering in a corner, because a Something always comes from your darkest past and wont be beaten until you face it. And thats not easy in a city where reality is twisting and broken, a world in which friends can become enemies in a heartbeat and where your most secret fear can become a soul-shredding reality.
And the worst of it is, for this nightmare you dont even have to be asleep&
Considered a modern classic, and consistently featured in lists of Books To Read Before Your Head Explodes, ONLY FORWARD is a novel you'll never forget.
- Harper Collins Paperbacks