This book contains the historically most important discussions of the philosophical foundations of left-libertarianism. Like the more familiar right-libertarianism (such as that of Nozick), left-libertarianism holds that agents own themselves (and thus owe no service the others expect as the result of voluntary action). Unlike right-libertarianism, however, left-libertarianism holds that natural resources are owned by the members of society in some egalitarian manner, and may be appropriated only with their permission, or with a significant payment to them.Preface A Note on the Translations Introduction: Left-Libertarianism: Historical Origins; J.Cunliffe The General Right of Things; H.Grotius On the Origin of Dominion; S.Pufendorf Of Slavery and Property; J.Locke Of the Right of Property in Land as Derived from the Law of Nature; W.Ogilvie Rights of Usufruct and Future Generations; T.Jefferson The Real Rights of Man; T.Spence Agrarian Justice; T.Paine Land, Labor, and Property; Colin Christian Socialism; F.Huet On Property; P.E.Dove On Property and the General Principles of Taxation; J.S.Mill The Rights of Life, Personal Liberty, and the Use of the Earth; H.Spencer The Injustice of Private Property in Land; H.George The Theory of Property; L.Walras What Shall the Decision Be?; E.Rignano IndexPETER VALLENTYNE is Professor of Philosophy at the Virginia Commonwealth University. He has written on a variety of issues in consequentialist moral theory, and edited Contractarianism and Rational Choice: Essays on the Work of David Gauthier (1991). He is currently developing a version of left-libertarianism (combining self-ownership with egalitarianism).
HILLEL STEINER is Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Manchester. A Fellow of the British Academy, he has published papers on liberty, rights and moral reasoning, and is the author of An Essay on Rights (1994) and (with Matthew Kramer and Nigls(