Outgrow Middle Management Accelerate Your Climb to the Top [Hardcover]

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  • Category: Books (Business & Economics)
  • Author:  Osh, Dave
  • Author:  Osh, Dave
  • ISBN-10:  1630472603
  • ISBN-10:  1630472603
  • ISBN-13:  9781630472603
  • ISBN-13:  9781630472603
  • Publisher:  Morgan James Publishing
  • Publisher:  Morgan James Publishing
  • Pages:  196
  • Pages:  196
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Pub Date:  01-May-2014
  • Pub Date:  01-May-2014
  • SKU:  1630472603-11-MPOD
  • SKU:  1630472603-11-MPOD
  • Item ID: 100239160
  • List Price: $38.95

Outgrow Middle Management: Accelerate Your Climb to the Tophelps corporate executives speed up their climb to the corner office, multiply their income, and accomplish their personal aspirations-all while livingmeaningful, abundant, and love-filled lives.

Find out what the most effective, highest paid, and super successful corporate executives do differently that enables them to earn millions of dollars andreach the top of the corporate game faster than others, who are stuck in middle management, struggling financially, and feeling aimless, frustrated, andstressed.

Outgrow Middle Managementdiscloses the secrets of the highest achievers of the corporate world and what they have figured out about leadership that makes them so unique. Thispractical guide teaches a completely new framework for a successful corporate career through real-life experiences of a multinational CEO.

Outgrow Middle Managementis a simple success blueprint for executives who want to rise to the corner office faster than they could ever have dreamed-without sacrificing theirrelationships and wellbeing.

Dave Osh has made it his life's mission to help corporate executives speed up their rise to the corner office and multiply their income-all while livinghealthy, fulfilling, and love-filled lives. He is the creator of the Corporate Entrepreneur Mastery, Dauntless Innovation programs and the author ofOutgrow Middle Management: Accelerate Your Climb to the Top.

Dave has more than twenty years of corporate experience including serving as CFO, COO, and CEO of publicly traded multinational companies as well asprivate corporations. His contributions allowed these corporations to develop products and markets worth billions of dollars. He is the inventor of apatented product commercialized into a successful brand. He is also an entrepreneur who owns multiple brands.

Dave is a sought-after speaker on a wide range of topics including: lel³:

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