Completely revised and restructured in light of a nationwide survey of high school and college instructors, and for the first time available in a special version for North American students, theOxford Latin Course, Second Editioncombines the best features of both modern and traditional methods of Latin teaching, providing an exciting, stimulating introduction and approach to Latin based on the reading of original texts. The new part four is a reader consisting of extracts from Caesar, Cicero, Catullus, Virgil, Livy, and Ovid.
Cicero 1. The young Cicero 2. Consulship, exile and return 3. Governor of Cilicia 4. Civil war and death Caesar 1. The first invasion of Britain 2. The second invasion of Britain 3. Revolt in Gaul 1: The ambush of Sabinus and Cotta 4. Revolt in Gaul: 2: The siege of Cicero's camp Catullus 1. Catullus and his friends 2. Catullus in love 3. The sequel Virgil 1. Aeneas arrives at Carthage 2. The love of Dido and Aeneas 3. The death of Dido Livy 1. Hannibal prepares to invade Italy 2. Hannibal reaches the Alps 3. Hannibal crosses the Alps Ovid 1. Ovid tells the story of his life 2. Ovid the lover 3. Ovid in exile Appendix 1: Select vocabulary Appendix 2: The metres of the poems of Catullus, Virgil and Ovid General vocabulary