The latest installment of this annual publication includes original articles, often of substantial length, and review articles on major books. Contributors include Martha Nussbaum, David Bostock, Hugh H. Benson, Christopher Shields, Herbert Granger, Mark McPherran, and Scott Warren Calef.
Piety and the Unity of Virtue in Euthyphro 11e-14c,
Scott Warren CalefSocratic Piety: In Response to Scott Calef,
Mark McPherranFurther Reflections on Socratic Piety: A Reply to Mark McPherran,
Scott Warren CalefThe Dissolution of the Problem of the Elenchos,
Hugh H. BensonPlato's Later Platonism,
William CharltonAristotle on the Subjecthood of Form,
Herbert GrangerThe Subjecthood of Souls and Some Other Forms: A Response to Granger,
Christopher ShieldsThe Subjecthood of Form: A Reply to Shields,
Herbert GrangerActivity and Change in Aristotle,
Robert HeinamanAristotle on the Transmutation of the Elements in GC I 1-4,
David BostockEros and the Wise: The Stoic Response to a Cultural Dilemma,
Martha NussbaumGail Fine:
On Ideas: Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's Theory of Forms,
Chrisopher Shields This richly-documented volume maintains the high standards of the series. It is a must read for all students of Plato and Aristotle... --
Religious Studies Review