Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophyis a volume of original articles on all aspects of ancient philosophy. The articles may be of substantial length, and include critical notices of major books. OSAP is now published twice yearly, in both hardback and paperback. This volume features six pieces about Aristotle and five about Plato and Socrates.
The serialOxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy(OSAP) is fairly regarded as the leading venue for publication in ancient philosophy. It is where one looks to find the state-of-the-art. That the serial, which presents itself more as an anthology than as a journal, has traditionally allowed space for lengthier studies, has tended only to add to its prestige; it is as if OSAP thus declares that, since it allows as much space as the merits of the subject require, it can be more entirely devoted to the best and most serious scholarship. --Michael Pakaluk,Bryn Mawr Classical Review
Socrates' Profession of Ignorance,MICHAEL N. FORSTER The Development of Plato's Theory of Ideas and the Socratic Question,FRANCESCO FRONTEROTTA Persuasion and the Tripartite Soul in Plato's Republic,R. F. STALLEY Plato's Phaedrus and the Problem of Unity,DAN WERNER Aristotle on the Necessity of Opposites in Posterior Analytics 1. 4,RICHARD TIERNEY Organic Unity and the Matter of Man,CHRISTOPHER FREY The Union of Cause and Effect in Aristotle: Physics 3. 3,ANNA MARMODORO Aristotelian Infinity,JOHN BOWIN Listening to Reason in Aristotle's Moral Psychology,GOSTA GRONROOS Phronesis as a Mean in the Eudemian Ethics,GILES PEARSON Aristotle and the Problems of Method in Ethics,MARCO ZINGANO Enquiry and Discovery: A Discussion of Dominic Scott, Plato's Meno,GAIL FINE Index Locorum