Palgrave Advances in European Union Studies breaks new ground in offering advanced readers an insight into the state of the discipline in EU studies. It comprises theoretical and empirical essays which deal with how the European Union has been and continues to be studied, providing an invaluable tool for academics, post-graduate students, and advanced undergraduates who are keen to understand this increasingly diverse field of study.List of Tables List of Figures Preface List of Abbreviations and Acronyms Notes on Contributors Introduction Angela Bourne and Michelle Cini Rational Institutionalism and Liberal Intergovernmentalism; R.Scully Constructivism and Sociological Institutionalism; A.Wiener Europeanization: Solution or Problem?; C.Radaelli Conceptual Combinations: Multilevel Governance and Policy Networks; A.Warleigh The Study of European Union Enlargement: Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Findings; F.Schimmelfennig & U.Sedelmeier Conceptualising the European Union's Global Role; B.Tonra European Identity: Theory and Empirics; P.Gillespie & B.Laffan EU Legitimacy and Normative Political Theory; A.F?llesdal Political Economy and European Integration; A.Verdun From State to Society? A Historiography of European Integration; W.Kaiser Knowing Europe: Metatheory and Methodology in European Union Studies; J.Jupille Cleavages, Controversies and Convergence in European Union Studies; W.Wessels Notes References Index
'An impressive collection of consistently informative and thought-provoking reflections on the field of EU studies. This volume will be of immense use to students and scholars alike.' - Ben Rosamond, University of Warwick, UK
'In this aptly titled book, Michelle Cini, Angela Bourne and their superb group of contributors map the frontiers of EU Studies. Accessible to a general audience, Palgrave Advances in European Union Studies should find a place on the shelf of every serious student of the Union.' - Mark A. Pollack,ls(