Is scientific positivism, long the reigning paradigm for research in the social sciences, the `best way' to conduct social research? This is the central question examined in The Paradigm Dialog. Recently three key challenges have appeared - positivism, critical theory and constructivism. All three offer researchers new methodological approaches and all three present fundamental questions that must be addressed. Can research be conducted between paradigms? Are they equally useful in answering questions of applied research? What constitutes good or ethical research in each? These and other significant questions are examined by a multidisciplinary group of leading figures in qualitative research.Is scientific positivism, long the reigning paradigm for research in the social sciences, the `best way' to conduct social research? This is the central question examined in The Paradigm Dialog. Recently three key challenges have appeared - positivism, critical theory and constructivism. All three offer researchers new methodological approaches and all three present fundamental questions that must be addressed. Can research be conducted between paradigms? Are they equally useful in answering questions of applied research? What constitutes good or ethical research in each? These and other significant questions are examined by a multidisciplinary group of leading figures in qualitative research.Foreword - Egon G Guba PART ONE: SETTING THE STAGE The Alternative Paradigm Dialog PART TWO: POINTS OF VIEW Postpositivistic Science - Denis C Phillips Myths and Realities Whose Future? Whose Past? Notes on Critical Theory and Methodology - Thomas S Popkewitz The Making of a Constructivist - Yvonna S Lincoln A Remembrance of Transformations Past The Meaning of Alternative Paradigms for Practice - Elliot W Eisner PART THREE: THE NEED FOR DlÃç