In the last 20 years, tuition has increased by a factor of more than 200 percent, which is 3 times the increase in earned income of the average family. It takes from 25 to 30 percent of a family's yearly after tax earnings to pay for a single child's college education.
Utilizing their access to college counseling, admissions, and financial aid professionals at colleges and universities across the country, this father and son team have developed a program to make paying for college manageable. They enlighten, motivate, and encourage students and their parents to follow a set of 10 principles designed to help families get a handle on saving and financing a college education. Their mission is to reassure and to help families of every income level and at every stage of preparation to plan a strategy for paying for college.
Paying for Colllegeshould be required reading for parents, students, teachers, and counselors. Readable, practical, comprehensive, it will help everyone who cares about a good education--no matter what their income level. Catharine R. Stimpson, University Professor and Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Science, New York University
Higher education is the passport to an individual's professional success and, collectively, to America's continued future prosperity. No one with the knowledge and the will should now be left behind. Howard and Matt Greene make the entry into higher education simple and easy. A very significant contribution to our individual and our nation's future. Peter Georgescu, Chairman Emeritus, Young & Rubicam Inc.
Howard R. Greene, M.A., M.Ed., a former admissions officer at Princeton, is the founder and president of Howard Greene and Associates. A graduate of Dartmouth College, with master's degrees from Harvard and NYU, he has counseled thousands of students coauthored numerous books, and cohosted two PBS programs on college planning.
Matthew W. GreenelÓ0