The only book on the market to include classical and contemporary readings from key authors in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE), this unique anthology provides a comprehensive overview of the central topics in this rapidly expanding field. Each chapter opens with an introduction that helps students understand the central arguments and key concepts in the readings. The selections encourage students to think about the extent to which the three disciplines offer complementary or contradictory ways of approaching the relevant issues.Philosophy, Politics, and Economics: An Anthologyis ideal for undergraduate PPE programs and courses in political philosophy and political economy.
Preface Introduction 1. POLITICAL AUTHORITY Plato,Crito Thomas Hobbes,Leviathan John Locke,Popular Basis of Political Authority David Hume,Of the Original Contract Jean-Jacques Rousseau,The Social Contract 2. RATIONAL CHOICE Gary Becker,The Economic Way of Looking at Behavior David Schmidtz,Reasons for Altruism David Gauthier,Rationality: Maximization Constrained Gregory Kavka,The Toxin Puzzle 3. GAME THEORY Simon Blackburn,Game Theory and Rational Choice Thomas Schelling,Dynamic Models of Segregation Gerry Mackie,Ending Foot Binding and Infibulation: A Convention Account Geoffrey Brennan and Gordon Tullock,An Economic Theory of Military Tactics: Methodological Individualism at War 4. PROPERTY John Locke,Of Property David Hume,Of Justice and Property Karl Marx,Capital, Primitive Accumulation Thomas Paine,Agrarian Justice David Schmidtz,The Institution of Property 5. MARKETS Market Advantages Adam Smith,Wealth of ls/