List of symbols
1. Introduction
2. Synchroton radiation
3. Linear beam optics
4. Injection and extraction
5. RF systems for particle accelerators
6. Radiative effects
7. Luminosity
8. Wigglers and undulators
9. The free electron laser (FEL)
10. Diagnostics
Appendix A: Maxwell's equations
Appendix B: Some important relations in special relativity
Appendix C: General equation of an ellipse in phase space
Starting from a historical overview of particle accelerator development and an emphasis on the importance of high energy particles in fundamental research, Wille (physics, U. of Dortmund) surveys many aspects of accelerator physics also relevant to other disciplines and develops relevant formulas step-by-step. Suitable for a senior undergraduate text. The translator is in the physics department at the U. of Bristol. --
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